That was the question Jesus posed to Peter, and we wonder what Jesus was referring to.
Was He pointing to the other disciples and implying Peter valued his friendships more? Was the Savior making gestures at nets on the ground and asking if Peter’s livelihood was taking precedent? Was Jesus pointing out the boats sitting on the shore and inquiring if Peter was devoted to possessions? It really is not important what the Lord was pointing at, just important that Peter make the connection - people, possessions, and activities can eclipse devotion to Christ, if we are not careful.
Jesus is still asking the question daily to us. “Do you love me more than these?” What is Jesus pointing to in your life and mine?
What is the “these” for us? What relationships are pulling our focus away from the Lord? What habits quench our devotion to God? What pastimes soak up all the extra time we have to seek the Lord?
Rules or Relationship?
When we are more intentional to follow rules than to seek relationship with God, our religion has become skewed. Jesus did not come to set down a bucket load of new rules. He came that He might be God with man. Relationship. The cross was all about restoring a broken relationship between God and man.
Jesus desires our love and devotion. God wants us to know Him like a son would know his father, like a daughter would know her daddy.
Let God show you what is overshadowing your desire for Him. Ask His forgiveness and turn back to Him. May your sincere answer to the question be, “No, Lord. I love You more than all of these.”