When emotional darkness settles over us like thick fog, rejoicing seems impossible. Yet, we are reminded in God's Word to rejoice at all times. But how?
How can we rejoice always? Rejoicing may be easy when life is handing us health and wealth, a soft and cushy existence, the gentle roll of positive circumstances. Sure.
But what about rejoicing when money is short, when the doctor calls back with shocking results, when new management takes over and terminates our position, when our child relapses back into addiction? How can rejoicing even be a theme in those situations?
Where does rejoicing fit into the onset of a chronic illness or the death of a spouse? How can a woman find joy in an envelope of divorce papers at her door, the deep betrayal of infidelity, or the news of her infertility?
If joy was based in human effort or a positive outlook, she would be lost.

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!” Philippians 4:4
But, enter our Savior. In one of the darkest places in history, Jesus appeared. And He brought a reason for rejoicing with Him.
You see, rejoicing is not founded in sporadic happiness, a bright set of circumstances, perfect results, or winning the lottery. Joy is not wrapped up in the paper of positive prognoses or happy headlines.
Joy emanates from a Person and finds its full effect in lives dedicated to following Christ.
Joy lives in the scorching heat of battle, and overcomes when our emotions tell us to give up. It pushes up through the hardened soil of a lifetime of disappointments. Joy survives betrayal. It carries us through the dark days of depression. Joy carries us.
For the joy set before Him, Christ endured the cross. Was the cross without pain? No. Did the cross skirt the edges of the hard stuff? Of course, not. Instead, joy gave Jesus focus - a place to put His eyes while He endured the suffering.
We need joy to be our focus in pain. We need Jesus and His promises to be the place we put our eyes while we struggle.
How can we rejoice?
*Refocus on the Word of God in front of us and the blessing waiting ahead of us.
*Realize God’s purpose in our suffering is to shape us and refine us.
*Remember God has made us strong for the specific battle we are facing.
*Rest in God’s control over our trial, when we can’t control the details.
*Rejoice not because life is perfect, but because God has a plan to prosper us and give us hope and a future.
The clouds will clear. The sun will shine in your life again. So, rejoice.
Prayer: Father, my heart seems too broken to rejoice, but I will lift my praise to You anyway. You have given me clear instruction to be joyful, whether I am happy or not. Help me to choose joy. In Jesus' name, Amen.